Marilyn Simmons Family Tree

Branches of the Bell family


Phonetic search

  1. Louisa Bell 1844 1867 Ephraim Charles Bean 1843
  2. Joseph Bell 18201850 1844 Maria Smith
    1. William Henry Bell 18301889 Ann Bean
      1. Thomas Henry Bell 18451908 1884 Clementia Lydia Harvey Watkins 18631902
        1. Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885 Dorsey
            Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885
            1. Olive Mae Tucker Bell 19031996 Edward Harold Wright 19041968
            Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885 Byron Alonzo Sinclair Tucker 1900
            1. Olive Mae Tucker Bell 19031996 Edward Harold Wright 19041968
            Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885 David Dorsey 18821968
            1. Female Bell 18871887
            2. Mabel Bell 18881888
            3. Rivers Bell 1890
            4. ssss Bell 18901980
            5. Rachel Edith Ann Bell 18911892
            6. Emily Anna Bell 18941978 Eugene James
              1. Rivers Washington Bell 18971896
              2. ssss Bell 19021902
            7. William Tackyn Bell
            8. Samuel Bell 18491904
            9. William Henry Bell 18461901
            William Henry Bell 18301889
            1. Isabella Bell Bell 1868
            William Henry Bell 18301889 Frances Jane Virgin
          1. William Bell 1826 Esther
            1. William Henry Bell 1845 Anna G Bean 1820
              1. Thomas Henry Bell 18451908 1884 Clementia Lydia Harvey Watkins 18631902
                1. Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885 Dorsey
                    Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885
                    1. Olive Mae Tucker Bell 19031996 Edward Harold Wright 19041968
                    Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885 Byron Alonzo Sinclair Tucker 1900
                    1. Olive Mae Tucker Bell 19031996 Edward Harold Wright 19041968
                    Blanche Evelina Gertrude Bell 1885 David Dorsey 18821968
                    1. Female Bell 18871887
                    2. Mabel Bell 18881888
                    3. Rivers Bell 1890
                    4. ssss Bell 18901980
                    5. Rachel Edith Ann Bell 18911892
                    6. Emily Anna Bell 18941978 Eugene James
                      1. Rivers Washington Bell 18971896
                      2. ssss Bell 19021902
                    7. Stephens Bell
                    8. Mary Francis Bell
                    9. Richard Trott Bell
                    10. Richard Trott Bell 1862
                2. Maggie Gertrude Bell Samuel Branch Wright
                3. Florence Morris Bell
                  1. Delores Elizabeth Bell 1943 Kenneth Thompson 19371981
                  Florence Morris Bell Irving DeGrilla
                  1. Dennis Eugene ‘Toe’ Bell 1938 Private