Birth 1917

Birth of a brotherReginald Stanley Carswell Jones
1924 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a son
Delbert Roswald Shirley Hunt
28 January 1936 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
John Sherwood O'Donald Hunt
26 February 1938 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a son
Damon Quillan Carswell Hunt
1942 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a son
Nelson Milburn Hunt
27 April 1944 (Age 27 years)
Death of a husbandDelbert John Stockson Hunt
8 December 1962 (Age 45 years)
Death of a brotherReginald Stanley Carswell Jones
27 March 1987 (Age 70 years)
Death 5 January 1990 (Age 73 years)

Last change 19 November 200404:57:54